sudofox / shell-mommy

Mommy is here for you on the command line ~ ❤️

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sudofox opened this issue · comments

I'll start us off with Samuel L Jackson. This example uses no substitutions, but you could replace son if you wanted to.

	"You call that effort? This is some weak-ass shit."
	"You ain't gonna make it with that attitude, son."
	"What the hell is wrong with you?"
	"You ain't got the skills to back that attitude up."
	"You better step up your game, before I step up mine."
	"I ain't got time for this amateur hour bullshit."
	"You ain't gonna make it in this world with that attitude."
	"You better wise up, before you get left behind."
	"I ain't impressed with that effort, son."
	"You ain't got what it takes to succeed."
	"You better bring your A-game, or get out of the game."
	"You better shape up, before I ship out."
	"I ain't gonna sugarcoat it - that was weak as hell."
	"You ain't got what it takes to make it in this world."
	"I ain't gonna hold your hand - you better step up."
	"You better bring your best effort, or don't even bother showing up."
	"I ain't gonna waste my time on half-ass efforts."
	"You ain't gonna make it with that attitude, son."
	"You better come correct, or don't come at all."
	"You did it! Now that's what I'm talkin' about!"
	"I knew you had it in you, son."
	"You brought your A-game and it shows."
	"Now that's the effort I like to see."
	"You're killin' it, son."
	"I ain't gonna lie, you impressed the hell out of me."
	"You're on fire, son!"
	"You bringin' your best effort, and it shows."
	"You ain't playin' around, are you?"
	"I can see you're gonna make it in this world."
	"You're bringin' the heat, son."
	"You're killin' it out there."
	"I ain't seen effort like that in a long time."
	"You're bringin' your A-game, and it shows."
	"You ain't afraid to bring your best, and I respect that."
	"You're killin' it, son."
	"I can see you're gonna make it in this world."
	"You're bringin' the heat, son."

In order to facilitate more configs and allow changing of those easily, the configs could reside in a subdirectory, along with matching other variables, DEFs and whatnot, and user could either change config or load a new one with a switch.

    # choose random from different configs
    variant_name=$(find variants/ -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | shuf -n 1 | grep -Eio [a-z]*$)'

    # or define hardcoded 

    # Define files for the different configurations

    config=$(printf "${config_file}")
    res_pos=$(printf "${res_pos_file}" | shuf -n 1)
    res_neg=$(printf "${res_neg_file}" | shuf -n 1)

Asked ChatGPT to generate some Stallman like quotes/replies

    "Your effort to improve your privacy and security is a step towards a better world."
    "By taking control of your technology, you are empowering yourself and those around you."
    "Keep up the good work! You are contributing to a world where privacy and security are the norm."
    "You are making a positive difference in the world by prioritizing your privacy and security."
    "Remember, every action you take towards protecting your privacy and security is a meaningful one."
    "Your dedication to protecting your privacy and security is admirable and will pay off in the long run."
    "Your commitment to privacy and security is a valuable contribution to society and will inspire others."
    "Well done! You are setting an example for others by taking control of your technology."
    "You are on the right track towards a more secure and private digital life."
    "Keep going! Your efforts to improve your privacy and security are making a difference."

    "Don't give up! The fight for privacy and security is more important than ever."
    "Remember, setbacks are temporary. Keep pushing forward in your efforts to protect your privacy and security."
    "Stay strong! Every challenge you face in protecting your privacy and security is an opportunity for growth."
    "Keep your head up! The pursuit of privacy and security is a constant struggle, but it's worth it."
    "Take a deep breath and remember why you're working so hard to protect your privacy and security."
    "Don't be discouraged. Your efforts towards privacy and security are important, even in the face of obstacles."
    "Remember that every failure is a learning opportunity. Use it to your advantage in your quest for privacy and security."
    "Stay focused on your goal of protecting your privacy and security, even when faced with difficulties."
    "Don't give up hope! Your efforts towards privacy and security are making a positive difference in the world."
    "You are not alone in your fight for privacy and security. Keep going, and know that others are with you."

I misread that as "Stalin like quotes/replies" and was very confused for a variety of reasons

I've wrote this script to de/activate the mommy's prompt messages by un/comment the lines of the .zshrc file


if [[ $(head -n 2 ~/.zshrc | grep "^#" | wc -l) -eq 2 ]]; then
    sed -i '1,2 s/^#//' ~/.zshrc
    notify-send "mommy turn on uwu~ ❤"
    sed -i '1,2 s/^/#/' ~/.zshrc
    notify-send "mommy turn off~"

Assuming the the 2 first lines of .zshrc goes like this.

source /path/to/script/
precmd() { mommy "$PROMPT_COMMAND" }

(Optional) Set a keybindings to execute this script.