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Create a Webpage using HTML, CSS and Angular/ ReactJs

MUKUL-7-7-7 opened this issue · comments


Courses and Students
Create a Webpage using HTML, CSS and Angular/ ReactJs

Create a web page to manage courses and students
Follow the instructions carefully.

Follow the design (color, font, size etc) as per the above wireframe but functionality is important than the look & feel

Course section
The course dropdown should display the course names. Initially it is empty
When you click on the “Add New course” button under state it should display a text box followed by a tick icon and cross icon
You can enter the course name in the text field.
When you click on the tick icon it should add the course name into the list of the courses in the drop-down list and the input text field & icons should be hidden.
When you click on the cross icon it should not get added to the list of courses and the input text field & icons should be hidden

Student section
The “Add new student” button under the student should be visible only when you select a course name in the dropdown
When you click on the “Add new student” button it should display a textbox followed by tick icon and cross icon
You can enter the student name in the text field
When you click on the tick button it should add the student name to the list of students in the dropdown list for the selected course and the text field & icons should be hidden
When you click on the cross button it should not add the student name to the list of students for the course and the text field & icons should be hidden
A list of students can be added to one course.
Once you select a course it should display its corresponding students only in the below dropdown

Coding standards
Follow standard naming convention for the html, css, javascript