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RGB color indicators in style attributes of raw HTML are processed as tags

brianwisti opened this issue · comments

Imported my notes and blog posts into a fresh Tangent workspace. Mostly fantastic, with one little bit of clutter due to embedded HTML in a few of my blog posts.

Not sure if you have a preferred structure for issue submissions, so I'll just go from my notes.

What I'm working with

Tangent v0.7.5 and a Markdown note containing raw HTML that includes style attributes with inline color values such as #008000.

Minimal example:

A plain paragraph.

<span style="color: #008000">HTML</span>

What I expect

Raw HTML markup in the note, faithful to the line endings and whitespace I've used but otherwise unadorned. No additional processing should be done to find workspace tags within that HTML snippet. Markdown generally ignores raw HTML, including Markdown syntax inside the HTML if being strict.

It's not pretty when editing, but sometimes you need a very specific structure rendered in the browser.

What I get

  • #008000 shows up in sidebar tag list
  • #008000 is rendered as a tag in the editor view

Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 12 35 10 PM

How bad is it

This is not a show-stopper – more of a constant itch. It messes up rendering of those specific notes and adds confusion to the sidebar tag view, but I can ignore or work around it for the time being.

Hi Brian! Thanks for this. Definitely a big hole in Tangent's capabilities. I'll slot this in for the next release cycle (v0.8.x).

I'm bumping this to v0.9.x. Properly handling this involves a pretty sizable shift in how Tangent is parsing notes. If I make that shift even larger, it would also support a number of other wanted/needed changes.