succinctlabs / succinctx

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Bugs when run plonky2x/core/examples case.

SuccinctPaul opened this issue · comments


I tried to run the exmples/ as follow:

cargo build --examples
# build circuit
RUST_LOG=debug ../../target/debug/examples/evm build
# prove and wrap prove
RUST_LOG=debug ../../target/debug/examples/evm prove core/examples/evm.json --wrapper-path /verifier

But meet a error as below:

Seems like there are more steps need to do, would you like to show me?

I'm not able to generate a build itself, how were you able to generate a build @ChengYueJia ?

Screenshot 2023-11-29 at 4 51 28 PM


Well, the code has been udpated a lots. I didn't meet this error in previous version.

Seems like you meet a new bug, "lack of wrapper solidity file". Better submit issue and ask the dev team.