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api/v2/scan/transfers after_id

rakewell opened this issue · comments


Can someone please explain how to use the after_id parameter of the API call to V2 transfers specified here:

I am passing something like [3154833,0] in the request body:
"row": 100,
"page": 0,
"address": "16ZL8yLyXv3V3L3z9ofR1ovFLziyXaN1DPq4yffMAZ9czzBD",
"after_id": [3154833,0]

but the API call return transfers before that block not after. I am looking for a way to return transactions after that block. If there was a sort order parameter that would work which would allow me to sort the results ascending instead of descending which would then correctly use the 'after_id' as an after rather than before.