sublimelsp / LSP-typescript

TypeScript, JavaScript support for Sublime LSP plugin

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

In need of dep updates, missing `using`

brian6932 opened this issue · comments

Currently doesn't support the using keyword
The current typescript version says Unexpected keyword or identifier

The bundled version of Typescript is at 5.2.2 which supports using.

If your project has older version of Typescript then that could be the problem because by default this server uses Typescript version that is installed in the project or globally in the system and only then fall-backs to using bundled version.

The used Typescript version is logged in LSP logs of your editor.

I'm talking about the use of lsp-ts in a javascript project, without ts installed at all, it can only use lsp-ts's install(?)

The bundled version of Typescript is at 5.2.2 which supports using.

PR #220 is not merged yet, so the bundled version of Typescript is 5.0.4

Right. I confused this issue as being reported in typescript-language-server instead