sublimelsp / LSP-terraform

Convenience package for the terraform language server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Please publish this package to packagecontrol

mconigliaro opened this issue · comments

I suppose the idea was to handle #4 first but it's unclear when someone will have time to do it.

@mconigliaro I will be working on #4 this weekend and then this shall move to PC

#6 will solve this

Thanks for getting it published!

Is it worth linking to the package from the Readme and/or the repo description also?

Including a link to the package from its readme seems redundant because then it would be linking to itself when looking at it from

But ST packages typically include installation instructions that say that you should install the package from Package Control (see for example) and I think we should add that.