sublimelsp / LSP-rust-analyzer

Convenience package for rust-analyzer

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Issues with running tests in Terminus and PATH

rchl opened this issue · comments

On Mac, when I click the "Run test" inlay hint, it just opens a blank Terminus panel and crashes with:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/Sublime", line 1488, in run_
    return, **args)
  File "/Users/rafal/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Installed Packages/Terminus.sublime-package/terminus/", line 536, in run
  File "/Users/rafal/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/Terminus/terminus/", line 234, in start
    self.process = TerminalPtyProcess.spawn(cmd, cwd=cwd, env=_env, dimensions=size)
  File "/Users/rafal/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages/ptyprocess/all/ptyprocess/", line 210, in spawn
    'executable: %s.' % command)
FileNotFoundError: The command was not found or was not executable: cargo.

On my system cargo is in /Users/rafal/.cargo/bin/cargo and the issue is that on Mac new processes start with pretty basic PATH that doesn't include stuff that .zprofile or .zshrc might add. So cargo is not found.

We could potentially improve it by reading PATH from the ST process (ST evaluates it on start using /bin/zsh -l) and pass to the command that starts the Terminus or eventually run the Terminus command in context of the default shell.

Looked a bit more and I guess it's an user error mostly.

Terminus does inherit ST environment by default by doing os.environ.copy(). The issue for me was that the $HOME/.cargo/bin path was extended in .zshrc rather than .zprofile so it worked for terminal but not Terminus.

That said, there should ideally still be a better feedback for this case since all we get is a blank terminus panel in such cases.