sublimelsp / LSP-rust-analyzer

Convenience package for rust-analyzer

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Automatically open rename dialog after extracting into a function

FichteFoll opened this issue · comments

When using a code action to extract code into a function, 9 out of 10 times I need to rename the created function. LSP-rust-analyzer could make that much easier for me if it always opened the rename dialog after an extraction action, where I can then simply press esc to close it if I don't need it. I would even argue it makes sense to have this as the new default and not even make it configurable.

IntelliJ also has this behavior.

Note that ideally the actual server ( should support that in the first place since it would have to send us a notification with a position of the new function symbol after refactoring. Otherwise I think we would be guessing where it is.

I've checked how it works and I suppose it might not be too hacky to just find the new function symbol if it's always called fun_name and it's always within the current selection.

Although then another issue is that there is no API for hooking into when specific code action is applied. So a custom notification from the server would still be nice.

There is a protocol extension that rust-analyzer defined where the text edits can contain snippet syntax. Perhaps it uses that?

Indeed it does make a difference here.

If I set:

	"experimental_capabilities": {
		"snippetTextEdit": true,

in LSP-rust-analyzer.sublime-settings I get a response like this:

  "edit": {
    "documentChanges": [
        "edits": [
            "insertTextFormat": 2,
            "newText": "self.fun_name(idx);",
            "range": {
              "end": {
                "character": 65,
                "line": 17
              "start": {
                "character": 8,
                "line": 17
            "insertTextFormat": 2,
            "newText": "\n\n    fn $0fun_name(&mut self, idx: usize) {\n        self.v.resize_with((idx + 1).max(self.v.len()), || None);\n    }",
            "range": {
              "end": {
                "character": 5,
                "line": 19
              "start": {
                "character": 5,
                "line": 19
        "textDocument": {
          "uri": "file:///Users/rafal/workspace/github/rust-analyzer/lib/arena/src/",
          "version": 6
  "kind": "refactor.extract",
  "title": "Extract into function"

Though that still looks wrong since there are two edits and the first one doesn't have a placeholder so I'm not sure how an editor is supposed to handle that.

When applying such code action, the editor should insert snippet, with tab stops and placeholder. At the moment, rust-analyzer guarantees that only a single edit will have InsertTextFormat.Snippet.

This doesn't seem to be the case @matklad

Huh, indeed -- in the above, we indeed have only snippet, but we wrongly set InsertTextFormat.Snippet. everywhere.

That's half of the problem though. There are also 2 edits. If the intention is that the user is able to easily change the function's name then that will work only partially - the user will only be able to edit the name in the function definition but not the place where it's called.