sublimelsp / LSP-intelephense

PHP support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through intelephense.

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licence key file created in each indexed folder

franck-paul opened this issue · comments

I put "$licenceKey": "${packages}/User/intelephense-license.txt"  as setting (in "initializationOptions": {…} ) but LSP-intelephense still create a folder ~\.intelephense\intelephense_license_key_XXXX in each indexed folder as soon as open a PHP file in them.

Is there any option to avoid this behavior?

PS: The intelephense-license.txt has been created in ${packages}/User folder and contains my license key.

Fwiw, this should be an issue for the server, intelephense.
It's used to prevent from validating license online frequently.

You can change where intelephense stores it though.

// "storagePath": "${temp_dir}/intelephense",
// "globalStoragePath": "${home}/.intelephense",