su-squares / update-script

The batch job to load blockchain data, generate images, and load into

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Su Squares Update Script

This script pulls data from the Su Squares smart contract and builds the website deployed on


You will need Node.js 16+ for this project. Here are installation instructions for macOS.

# Change into the su-squares-update-script directory
brew install node nvm yarn
nvm use 16

# One-time install
yarn install

Also you will need a connection to the Ethereum network. You can get an HTTP provider at

Configure the blockchain script by writing a file config.json like so:

    "provider": " INFURA API URL HERE"

Create blank metadata files and images (initial state before reading blockchain data):

node generate-empty-metadata-multithreaded.mjs

Run it

Here is the complete run script to build the main image.

cd ~/Developer/su-squares/update-script
# Load however many blocks you want, repeat
time node load-blockchain.mjs 100000 

Deploy generally looks like this.

cp build/*{json,png} ~/Sites/
cp build/metadata/*.{json,svg,png} ~/Sites/
cd ~/Sites/
git status # Manually do a sanity check git diff # Manually do a sanity check
git commit -am 'Load from blockchain'
git push

You can set this up as a cron job. But in production we are running this manually based on email alerts from Etherscan and specific customer requests.

Were there any recent updates?

cd ~/Developer/su-squares/update-script
node have-there-been-updates.mjs


This project is released under the MIT license, enjoy! See LICENSE.


The batch job to load blockchain data, generate images, and load into

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%