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[Feature]: If you manually specify the configPath path in VScode's stylelint extension, the.stylelintignore file will no longer be recognized, not even the array in the ignoreFiles property of the configuration object

NoeLiYa opened this issue · comments

What problem does this feature solve?

All of the Eslint+stylelint+prettier+editor+husky+git configuration files are in the root directory and make my root directory look bloat, so I created a folder called lint-configs just for them

and I can specify the path to my config file via stylelint.configFile, a specialized property in the Vscode extension

this is in setting.json of VScode workspace

But once I specify the configuration file path, the ignoreFiles path will not be specified or even used

How does this feature solve the problem?

If possible I want to manually specify the path to the ignore file and the path to the config file, just like prettier

just like this,We can specify the location of the.ignore file as well as the location of the configFile

I'm just a beginner, maybe this feature is not needed? At the moment, I'm just putting the stylelint config file and the.ignore file in the root directory. Hopefully something will work out

What are some alternatives to this feature?

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