styled-components / typescript-styled-plugin

TypeScript server plugin that adds intellisense to styled component css strings

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`tags` option doesn't work

mayank99 opened this issue · comments


The docs mention that an array of tags can be specified with @styled/typescript-styled-plugin.

"plugins": [
"name": "@styled/typescript-styled-plugin",
"tags": ["styled", "css", "sty"]

However, I cannot get this to work. Adding, for example, "foo" to that array, I don't get syntax highlighting on foo like how I do with css.

"plugins": [
		"name": "@styled/typescript-styled-plugin",
		"tags": ["styled", "css", "foo"] // does not work

(I have tried installing @styled/typescript-styled-plugin and typescript in my deps, to no effect)

I also cannot get other options to work, for example validate.

"plugins": [
		"name": "@styled/typescript-styled-plugin",
		"validate": false // does not work

I was able to get validate to work when using typescript-styled-plugin instead of @styled/typescript-styled-plugin, but tags does not work.

"plugins": [
		"name": "typescript-styled-plugin",
		"validate": false, // works
		"tags": ["styled", "css", "foo"] // does not work

The README switches back and forth between the two plugin names so I'm not sure which one is right.

"name": "@styled/typescript-styled-plugin",

"name": "typescript-styled-plugin",

Environment info: pnpm workspaces, vscode, windows 11


actually, after updating to the pre-release version (v1.7.6) of vscode-styled-components, i was able to get linting and intellisense working with custom tags (passed with @styled/typescript-styled-plugin), but syntax highlighting is still broken.