stutzlab / homie-esp8266-config-emulator

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

The main porpuse of the emulator is to help developers to build their custom captive portal that will use the HTTP JSON config API to setup their device that uses Homie for ESP8266 without the need to have the actual device.

Some benefits we expect:

  • Developers without hardware/firmware skills can help on projects that uses Homie for ESP8266, at least in the device configuration implementation
  • Emulation of different scenarios to make your captive portal resilient and informative about erros, timeouts and unexpected behaviors.
  • Don't need the device to be already finish and running to start the configuration implementation

Running using Docker

We highly recommend you to use Docker to run the emulator. To do so, you have two options:

docker-compose up -d
  • Running directly the docker run command as follows:
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 -v [absolute_path_to_your_ui_bundle_gz]:/usr/src/app/captive/ui_bundle.gz stutzlab/homie-esp8266-config-emulator:0.1.1

Running directly with node command

To run directly with your local NodeJS runtime, clone this repo and then run the following command at the root of the project:

node src/emulator.js

Optionally you can pass environment variables to debug and change the failure rate as follows:

DEBUG=fine,info node src/emulator.js


FAILURE_RATE=.3 node src/emulator.js


DEBUG=finest,fine,info FAILURE_RATE=.3 node src/emulator.js

The Emulator

The emulator is not fully functional as a real device, but it is fine to support the captive portal development. It handles the API calls and serves the ui_bundle.gz file, wich is the actual captive portal interface.

Random Failure

All the endpoints has a random failure function to emulate a unexpected failure at anytime. The failure rate is configurable and can be set as enviroment variable



This endpoint serves the ui_bundle.gz file. This file must be in the captive folder. If using Docker, map the volume; if not, copy the file to this folder.


Simply returns a 204 return code. There is no content returned.


Returns a fake device info. The content is always the same.


Returns a list with fake networks. Also, during the 5 seconds after the endpoint was invoked, it will return a 503 code and an error message to emulate the "Initial Wi-Fi scan not finished yet" behavior.


Returns a success message if all the required parameters (including wifi password) are provided. If some of the required parameters are missing it returns a 400 Bad Request and a message with the missing parameters list.


If this endpoint is invoked before the wifi/connect endpoint it returns randomly one of the following: disconnected, connection_lost, connect_failed, no_ssid_available, idle.

If this endpoint is invoked after the wifi/connect endpoint it will return { "status": "connected", "local_ip": "" }


Returns a success message if all the required parameters (including wifi password) are provided. If some of the required parameters are missing it returns a 400 Bad Request and a message with the missing parameters list.

Also, during the 5 seconds after the endpoint was invoked, it will return a 403 code and an error message to emulate the "Device already configured" behavior.


Returns a success message if all the required parameter enabled is provided. If the parameter is missing the endpoint returns a 400 Bad Request and a message with the missing parameters list.


The emulator will have the same endpoints specified in the HTTP JSON config API, i.e.:

/heart This is useful to ensure we are connected to the device AP

/device-info Get some information on the device.

/networks Retrieve the Wi-Fi networks the device can see.

/wifi/connect Initiates the connection of the device to the Wi-Fi network while in configuation mode.

/wifi/status Returns the current Wi-Fi connection status.

/config Save the config to the device.

/proxy/control Enable/disable the device to act as a transparent proxy between AP and Station networks.

Read the docs

For more details such as success and error return codes go to HTTP JSON config API

For more information about the captive portal go to



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