DotnetRSA | 中文
DotnetRSA is a .NET Core Global Tool.Dotnet RSA Tool can help you generate xml pkcs1, pkcs8 three kinds of format keys, and supports three types of mutual conversion.
Install dotnetrsa as a .NET Core Global tool using the following command:
dotnet tool install -g dotnetrsa
You have it now available on your command line:
dotnetrsa --help
Note: to use CLI tool command you must have .NET Core 2.1 or higher.
Usage: dotnetrsa [options] [command]
-?|-h|--help Show help information
convert Convert you keys to xml pkcs1, pkcs8 format.
gen Generate xml, pkcs1, pkcs8 keys.
Run 'dotnetrsa [command] --help' for more information about a command.
This command can convert you keys to xml pkcs1, pkcs8 format.such as xml->pkcs1, xml->pkcs8.
Convert you keys to xml pkcs1, pkcs8 format.
Usage: dotnetrsa convert [arguments] [options]
KeyFilePath Required.Secret key file path.
-h|--help Show help information
-f|--from <format> Required.Source format.The value must be xml, pkcs1,pkcs8.
-t|--to <format> Required.Target format.The value must be xml, pkcs1,pkcs8.
-k Required.Key type.The value must be pri, pub.'pub' represents the public key.
-o|--output <path> File output path.If you do not specify it will be output in the current directory.
This command can generate xml, pkcs1, pkcs8 keys.
Generate xml, pkcs1, pkcs8 keys.
Usage: dotnetrsa gen [options]
-h|--help Show help information
-f|--format Required.Gen keys's format.The value must be xml, pkcs1 ,pkcs8.
-s|--size <int> Key Size.
--pem Pem Format. true of false.
-o|--output <path> File output path.If you do not specify it will be output in the current directory.
The DotnetRSA build and conversion key uses the open source project RSAUtil: