studio24 / wordpress-multi-env-config

WordPress multi-environment config

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cannot determine current environment domain

alexanderkladov opened this issue · comments


I keep getting the following error in my LIVE environments for some reason:

[23-Apr-2018 11:15:54 Australia/Brisbane] PHP Fatal error:  Uncaught Exception: Cannot determine current environment domain, make sure this is set in wp-config.env.php in /home/app/public_html/config/wp-config.load.php:100
Stack trace:
#0 /home/app/public_html/config/wp-config.load.php(124): load_environment_config()
#1 /home/app/public_html/wp-config.php(18): require_once('/home/app...')
#2 /home/app/public_html/wp-load.php(37): require_once('/home/app...')
#3 /home/app/public_html/wp-blog-header.php(13): require_once('/home/app...')
#4 /home/app/public_html/index.php(17): require('/home/app..')
#5 {main}
  thrown in /home/app/public_html/config/wp-config.load.php on line 100

IF my wp-config.env.php is configured like so:

$env = [
  'test' => [
    'domain' => 'domain_local.test',
    'path'   => '',
    'ssl'    => false,
  'staging' => [
    'domain'  => '',
    'path'    => 'domain_live',
    'ssl'     => true,
  'live' => [
    'domain' => '',
    'path'   => '',
    'ssl'    => true,

The only way to stop the error from happening is to modify LIVE environment to include a non-www version like this:

$env = [
  'test' => [
    'domain' => 'domain_local.test',
    'path'   => '',
    'ssl'    => false,
  'staging' => [
    'domain'  => '',
    'path'    => 'domain_live',
    'ssl'     => true,
  'live' => [
    'domain' => ['', ''],
    'path'   => '',
    'ssl'    => true,

Has anyone else come across this problem and found a solution?


Alex, this is likely due to your webserver setup. For example, Apache uses the ServerName property to set the website hostname. My guess is your setup is:

ServerName ServerAlias

In the above example, you should set the 'domain' to:

FYI best practise is to redirect one of these to the other and only use one server name for your site. What I'd normally do is setup


As the primary domain and then have a redirect on the other variant to the www. site. E.g.

ServerName Redirect /

Then you can use the www domain in the config file.