studio-lucia / eb-unworked-bugs

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Line overflows the dialogue box

mistydemeo opened this issue · comments


The line "Hey! What are you doing?! These guys are obviously frauds! Don't help them!" has glitchy text overflowing the dialogue box and at the top of the screen.

Suggested fix

Looking at the control codes, the original dialogue box ends with the 0700 control code sequence but the unworked version ends in 0100, which I'm guessing is why it's interpreting subsequent control codes as part of the dialogue.

Screenshot (if available)


Script file (if known)


Address (if known)


This almost certainly has to do with message ef, which opens with a segment of garbage:

That entire message was missing when I imported this file from the unworked version, which suggests to me that something about this isn't round-tripping safely. Will look into it.

Patch generated via the current version of M04.GRP.txt produces the correct 0700 control code, so I think this is probably fixed.