stuartsierra / component

Managed lifecycle of stateful objects in Clojure

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

evaling (refresh :after 'user/go) in user ns at repl does not reload user, and runs old/unchanged code.

intronic opened this issue · comments


As far as I can tell I'm folliwing the component reloading setup described (

I make changes to application/component code, save the files, then in the user ns i eval (reset) which does the stop & refresh, which shows the files I changed reloaded (all are reloaded, 'user' ns is not), and then calls 'user/go which creates a system object and starts it.

The problem is that it is started using the old version of the start code that was refered to the last time the user ns was loaded.

To fix this I have to either eval : (require 'user :reload), or touch the user.clj file to trigger this to be reloaded and pick up the new code in the other namespaces.

I cant figure out why my repl user ns does not use the new reloaded functions from my other namespaces - why the repl in user ns has old references?

I assume i've missed somethnig simple but cant see what.

Any advice appreciated.

A few possibilities come to mind:

  1. Your user.clj file is in a directory not searched by tools.namespace for reloading. Check that @#' includes the directory containing user.clj.
  2. Your user namespace does not :require your application code in its ns declaration, which is necessary for tools.namespace to know that it needs to be reloaded.
  3. Your reset function calls go as a normal function, not using the special :after option to refresh, which is necessary to see the new code.