struCoder / pmgo

pmgo is a process manager for Golang applications.

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Fail to start, and without any error output

zhangtiny123 opened this issue · comments

Hi man ,
I've tried to use pmgo, it seems really cool, and friendly to me, as a pm2 user.
but I think there should be more examples .

I tried pmgo start /path/to/main.go app-name
but failed , error output is

FATA[0000] Failed to start go bin due to: ERROR: exit status 1 OUTPUT:

second line empty...
what's wrong with it please ?


Hi zhangtiny123,
Thank you to report this issue. it seems the error when go build your project, can you build success the following command?

go build -o out/path/projectName /path/to/main.go

Hi @struCoder
Thanks for your reply,
I'm sure that go build is OK, and any other suggestions ?

I tried to reproduce your problem, but fail.
can you provide more details ?
some code that you write.

Thanks for your trying to reproduce it. I found that it's my fault.
pmgo start path/to/source/main.go app-name will fail to start and without any error message.
And I tried pmgo start path/to/source/ app-name, it works. 😃 😃

Hello @struCoder ,

I also have the some problem when I run pmgo start <start go file> <name>

My project structure is something like this:


I already run go install and go build to build the binary file. And when I tried to run my application just with command ./main, it has no problem at all.

So, in terminal I tried pmgo start home/ubuntu/go/src/ main

But everytime it's always return

FATA[0000] Failed to start go bin due to: ERROR: exit status 1 OUTPUT:

Btw, I installed go 1.8 in ubuntu 14.04 and install pmgo using
$ go get
$ mv $GOPATH/bin/pmgo /usr/local/bin

So do you have any idea to solve my problem?

Best regards,

hi @royalecards
when pmgo start your project, it just find your project source-directory and compile. so you can try this

pmgo start path/to/source-directory app-name

not pmgo start path/to/xx.go.

Hi @struCoder,

As you can see from my last message,

So, in terminal I tried pmgo start home/ubuntu/go/src/ main

I just specify the path to my project directory home/ubuntu/go/src/ and then I use main as my process name.
I'm not directly access my binary file or my go file (xx.go).

So, any idea?

Best regards,

hi @royalecards
can you start your project by go run command ?
could you show me with your code? let me try to find the problem and solve it.
if your project have some files you can zip it and send email to me.
i will keep it secret.
Thank you. :)