stripe-ruby-mock / stripe-ruby-mock

A mocking library for testing stripe ruby

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Support Ruby 3.2

grobie opened this issue · comments


Ruby 3.2 removed the long deprecated File.exists? method in favor of File.exist?

$ ruby -v
ruby 3.2.0 (2022-12-25 revision a528908271) [x86_64-linux]
$ bundle exec rspec
Finished in 3 minutes 39.2 seconds (files took 43.23 seconds to load)
5818 examples, 109 failures, 1 pending

This has been fixed already in c8f388b, but is not part of the latest release 3.1.0.rc3 from 2021-07-14.

Cutting a new release will resolve this issue @TastyPi. Thank you for your work!

Thanks for the work on this; it can be a lot to maintain a gem that grows popular.

Checking in on this to see if a new version is going to be cut that will have this fix?

I don't have permissions to create releases on RubyGems, you'll have to ask @gilbert or @csalvato.

FWIW we've been using git in our Gemfile instead of rubygems due to the lack of regular updates, e.g. gem "stripe-ruby-mock", github: "stripe-ruby-mock/stripe-ruby-mock", ref: "<some commit hash>", require: "stripe_mock". It's not ideal, but until RubyGem permissions are given to someone who actually has the time/motivation to keep this project maintained it's the best option.

Thanks @TastyPi .
I put in a monkeypatch for this method to update it. :) That also worked.

I can definitely understand the time/motivation for folks working on OS stuff.

For the time being I solve this using file_exists

Any chance we can have a release so that this out sooner? Or a patch to v3.1.0? Maybe as a non-"rc" 3.1.0?

Any chance we can have a release so that this out sooner? Or a patch to v3.1.0? Maybe as a non-"rc" 3.1.0?


in #897 we'll support 3.2