stripe-ruby-mock / stripe-ruby-mock

A mocking library for testing stripe ruby

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Error On Stripe::CardError

OscarDV opened this issue · comments


I receive an error when running a test.

Error is: expected #<ArgumentError: wrong number of arguments (given 3, expected 2)> to be a kind of Stripe::CardError

Code: expect { Stripe::Charge.create(amount: 1, currency: 'usd') }.to raise_error {|e| expect(e).to be_a Stripe::CardError expect(e.http_status).to eq(402) expect(e.code).to eq('invalid_expiry_month') }

I'm running Ruby 3.0.3 with rails 6.1.5 .

It does work with Ruby 2.7.5 with rails 6.1.5 .