stripe-archive / jquery.payment

[DEPRECATED] A general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Missing spaces

fogush opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

Credit card numbers (for fields with .payment('formatCardNumber'))
It should include a space between every 4 digits for all numbers

Actual behavior

For non-valid card numbers (I didn't check everything, maybe a reason is in something else) the space is not added. For example, a credit card number with all zeros will be '0000000000000000' instead of '0000 0000 0000 0000'. The same for numbers like '1111111111111111', '9999999999999999' and others.
I have found some old version on this site: It doesn't have this issue

Steps to reproduce

Open the demo (
Enter 0000000000000000 in the first field ("Card number formatting")

Hi there @fogush. jquery.payment doesn't know how to format unknown numbers. 0000 etc are not real card numbers. You can see some similar old closed issues.