stripe-archive / jquery.payment

[DEPRECATED] A general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers.

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formatCardExpiry fails on certain browsers

sidwyn opened this issue · comments

Expected behavior

On Android 5.0.1 on Samsung Galaxy S4, using Chrome 50.0.2661.89, card expiry should be able to take 10/18 as a valid month/year expiry on We're calling the formatCardExpiry on any input into the MM/YY input field. However, the function formats it differently on the Chrome browser with respect to that specific device (S4)

Actual behavior

When trying to type 10/18 in the MM/YY field, we get 1/018 instead. There seems to be some problem with the formatting specifically with respect to the formatCardExpiry method.

Steps to reproduce

On a similar mobile device, go to, and then fill out the first form. On the second page, try to enter 10/18 as the MM/YY expiry, and notice it failing.

@sidwyn Unfortunately, I don't have that particular device/browser combination available for testing. Can you (1) create a minimal jsfiddle reproducing the problem and (2) help identify exactly what is failing? I'm not sure why that particular combination would have trouble. Thanks!

Closing due to lack of info. Please reopen with more details if the problem persists!