strimzi / strimzi-kafka-oauth

OAuth2 support for Apache Kafka® to work with many OAuth2 authorization servers

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jayway:json-path dependency is required but excluded from kafka-oauth-client

ozangunalp opened this issue · comments

Since the change 47e76b1 the json-path dependency is required by the PricincipalExtractor but still is excluded from the kafka-oauth-client :

This causes at least quarkusio/quarkus#36653 for native builds but I think would result in class not founds at JVM runtime if json-path is not added manually to the classpath.

Looks like a bug indeed. You can work around by explicitly adding json-path dependency to your project, but I agree it should not be excluded any more from the client. Looks like we need a test in the testsuite for this.


The issue here is the change to the PricincipalExtractor effectively pulls json-path and transitively json-smart, whereas before only json related library required by the kafka-oauth-client was jackson-databind.

I just want to make sure this is done willingly.