strengejacke / sjlabelled

Working with Labelled Data in R

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Labelling interaction terms in `tab_model`

onesandzeroes opened this issue · comments

It would be great if tab_model (and other functions) could apply variable labels to interactions, as in the below example:



iris = iris %>%
    mutate(Species = as.factor(Species)) %>%
    var_labels(Petal.Length = "Petal length",
               Petal.Width = "Petal width",
               Species = "Species of flower")
m1 = lm(Petal.Length ~ Petal.Width * Species, data = iris)

tab_model(m1, prefix.labels = "label")

I'd like to have a go at a pull request for this, but I'm a bit unsure where to start. Should insight be providing information about interaction terms? Or should this be done "post-hoc" in sjlabelled::get_term_labels? It seems like if insight was providing this info in a robust way, we could do something smarter than just splitting the coefficient names by ":" and trying to match them up to terms.

insight now provides a function find_interactions(), which helps finding the interaction terms, so we can use this information in sjlabelled::get_term_labels() to label interaction terms.

So I would say the place to address this is sjlabelled (I'll transfer this issue).

ANy news on this? Would you still like to open a PR?

Sorry, I did have an initial look at this but it wasn't as straightforward as I thought - I think the main issue was it wasn't easy to go from what find_interactions() is returning to the actual coefficients that need to be labelled (e.g. coef(model)). Right now I don't think I have time to work on this, so no PR in the near future from me.

Ok, I leave this issue open, maybe I can address it.