strengejacke / sjPlot

sjPlot - Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science

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geom.outline.size = 0 not working in set_theme for plot_likert

adlienne opened this issue · comments

I made a likert plot for groups. In order to customize its look, I removed the grids and grey background using set_theme . But when I did that, black outline appears arround the bars of the plot. I wished to remove them using geom.outline.size=0 but nothing happens, the black outline stays. (Note that I was able to change the color of the outline using geom.outline.color, but I cannot remove the outline). Would that possibly be something easy to fix ? Thanks a lot for help !

Here is my code:
base = theme_bw(),
geom.outline.size = 0,
geom.boxoutline.size = 0.5,
geom.boxoutline.color = "grey",
geom.label.size = 4,
axis.textcolor = "black",
axis.textsize = 1,
panel.major.linetype = 1,
panel.minor.linetype = 0,
legend.size = 1,
legend.color = "black",
legend.title.size = 1,
legend.title.color = "black",
legend.title.face = "bold",
legend.backgroundcol = "white",
legend.bordercol = "white",
legend.item.size = NULL,
legend.item.backcol = "grey90",
legend.item.bordercol = "white"
time_plot_likert1 <- plot_likert(interviews_time_sjPlot1, c(rep("Sizes of target organisms",2),rep("Catches",2)),reverse.scale=FALSE,cat.neutral=5,values="hide",digits=2,expand.grid=TRUE,show.prc.sign=TRUE,geom.colors=c("dodgerblue3","lightblue","darksalmon","firebrick2","gray64"),show.n=FALSE,legend.labels=c("++","+","-","--","0/ ?"),sort.groups=FALSE,grid.range=c(1,1),rel_heights=c(6,9),wrap.labels=40,geom.size=0.8,intercept.line.color="grey",axis.labels = c("Inside","Outside","Inside","Outside"))
