strengejacke / sjPlot

sjPlot - Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science

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package cannot be installed correctly: object ‘standard_error_robust’ is not exported by 'namespace:parameters'

Zhenglei-BCS opened this issue · comments

It seems the newly installed parameters does not have a ‘standard_error_robust’ function and it dose have parameters:::standard_error.lm_robust() though.

Error: object ‘standard_error_robust’ is not exported by 'namespace:parameters'
Execution halted
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package ‘sjPlot’

Not sure if this happened to someone else. On another clean instance, I can install the sjPlot package successfully without updating the parameters package. I think it might be the environment from a single workspace causing the installation error. I am leaving this issue open for now and will try to figure out if I can solve this error by updating all packages.

Update: Couldn't pinpoint which outdated package causing this issue, but a full update of all packages solved this issue.


Thanks! Glad that now everything works fine.