strengejacke / sjPlot

sjPlot - Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science

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Error: object ‘standard_error_robust’ is not exported by 'namespace:parameters'

andreoulios opened this issue · comments

Can not import sjPlot after installing easystats.
Conflict with package parameters.

Removed and reinstalled both packages, have updated to the latest using easystats::install_latest and the problem remains.

sjPlot was first installed in system library from c2d4u repo. Installing from rstudio stucks with the same error.

I think you need the latest versions from CRAN to successfully install all packages

Had the same issue, updating everything solved the problem! Thanks, Daniel!

I tried installing first easystats then sjplot and loading with the same order... the error remains

i tried loading first sjplot (user library) the same error happens.

i tried loading first sjplot (system library) then easystats and this error happens:

Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘easystats’: .onAttach failed in attachNamespace() for 'easystats', details: call: value[[3L]](cond) error: Package ‘insight’ version 0.18.6 cannot be unloaded: Error in unloadNamespace(package) : namespace ‘insight’ is imported by ‘effectsize’, ‘datawizard’, ‘sjPlot’, ‘performance’, ‘sjlabelled’, ‘sjmisc’, ‘bayestestR’, ‘sjstats’, ‘parameters’ so cannot be unloaded

of course i did easystats::install_latest

I dont know what else to do if you can point me in the right direction

I would try:

  • Restart R (or RStudio, or whatever you're using)
  • If RStudio, also press Shift + F10
  • Run easystats::install_latest()
  • Run install.packages(c("sjstats", "sjPlot"))

That should in theory work. Don't run any library() command between those steps above.

Thank you very much this worked :D