strengejacke / sjPlot

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tab_model: p-values do not match the confidence interval of survival analysis

YUANDALAO opened this issue · comments


Thank you for the package!

The thing is the p-values shown in tab_model or plot_models, do not match with the confidence interval of my survival analysis, and its model summary statistics.

Do you have any thoughts on how I can get/substract the p-values from summary statistics or how to change function?

Thank you!!

Do you have a reproducible example? Can you check what parameters::model_parameters() returns for your model?

Hi. I really use your package often. It's great!

But I also recognized that robust standard errors / Confidence intervals are not plotted correctly for cox models. Even when specified with the option. The parameters::model_parameters() function also does not extract the robust standard errors, but the normal ones.
This might also be the case for @YUANDALAO?

p_load(sjPlot, survival, coxphw, ggplot2)

data("gastric", package = "coxphw")

gastric1 <-, weights = c(rep(0.5, 45), rep(1,45)))

model<- coxph(Surv(time, status == 1) ~ radiation, data = gastric1, weights = weights)

CI <- summary(model)$[4]

  geom_abline(intercept = CI , slope = 0)+
  lims(y = c(0.5, 1.8))

plot_model(model, = "vcov")+
  geom_abline(intercept = CI , slope = 0)+
  lims(y = c(0.5, 1.8))

It is also a little confusing that the y axis is the x axis to adjust for the limits.

Thank you a lot in advance
Best wishes,