streamlinevideo / streamline

A reference system for end to end live streaming video. Capture, encode, package, uplink, origin, CDN, and player.

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Centos7 / Intel Quicksync

dom-robinson opened this issue · comments

Would you guys value a contribution to enable the same workflow setup but encoding on Centos7 with Intel Quicksync? (MediaSDK)

Let me know - i have most of the suitable code nearby and could tweak it into 'streamline' over the next few weeks.

I've been meaning to make a super cheap Quicksync version. I'd be open to a contribution on that side. We'd probably want to agree on the hardware and try to keep things really simple read.

I don't see a big need for CentOS off the top of my head, and I worry about making this more complicated from a directions perspective. What advantages are you seeing for switching the project to CentOS?

purely that Centos is our 'normal' distro and its a bit easier to get QS up on it (than Ubuntu)

(Although we PM'd probably worth adding publicly that Centos is the officially supported Intel Media SDK OS for 'nix)