stoyandimov / howto

How to do things on the Internet

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to

I've long been under the illusion that building websites is easy and that just about anyone can do it. I am still under that illusion of course (please see the previous sentence), but more and more I have found that doing it requires a lot of reference. This is a attempt at keeping all of my references and decisions in one place.

Please note: much of this should be considered wrong. Also, very much of it will be suboptimal. The goal is to build something that performs reasonably well while maximizing the ability to make changes.

Also, I break all of my own rules all the time.

Working with Ruby and Ruby on Rails

Here is the rough table of contents that I want to cover:

  • Getting your development environment setup
  • Starting a Rails app Basic start and repository
  • Git Making changes and reviewing code
  • Vagrant Testing server infrastructure locally
  • Provisioning Chef, Berkshelf, knife, etc. etc.
  • The Cloud
  • Deploying to Heroku
  • Deploying to Linode
  • Deploying to AWS
  • The Asset Pipeline
  • Databases
  • Patterns (
    • Value Objects
    • Service Objects
    • Query Objects
    • Form Objects
    • View Objects
    • Policy Objects
  • CDNs
  • Background jobs and workers
  • Cron
  • Errors
  • Authentication
  • Google, Twitter, Facebook, OAuth and you
  • Notifications
  • Mobile
  • Uploading things
  • Analytics
  • Performance (measure)
  • Monitoring
  • Backups
  • Google Analytics
  • Admin
  • SSL
  • A/B testing
  • Rollout features
  • Realtime Stuff


  • Bootstrap and friends
  • Grids
  • Uikit
  • Responsive design


  • jQuery
  • Backbone
  • Angular


  • Feedback
  • Support
  • olark
  • Google Apps


How to do things on the Internet