storybookjs / vs-code-plugin

Aesop: a VSCode Extension to stage Storybook stories inside your IDE.

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[Bug] "your screen size is bogus" error when attempting to awaken aesop

usernamenumber opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

When I do aesop awaken, I get the following back immediately:

Failed looking for running Node processes. Error: your 131072x1 screen size is bogus. expect trouble


  • OS: Windows 10 + Ubuntu 20 in WSL2
  • Node.js version: v12.20.0
  • NPM version: 6.4.18

Additional context

My guess would be that this is something to do with running VSCode in WSL.

Really excited about Aesop, so I hope this is fixable!

Thanks so much for bringing this up! I'm sure it is fixable. (That said, resolving the disparities between how MacOS/Linux/Windows handle Node child processes has been...a rather sticky wicket.) We'll be looking in to it.

If I can do anything to help, like testing out a fix or something, just let me know!