storybookjs / mdx2-csf

MDX to CSF compiler using MDXv2

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Upgrade package(s) that use caniuse-lite

garycourt opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

I'm getting the following errors when running the latest version of Storybook (v7.5.3).

Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx update-browserslist-db@latest
  Why you should do it regularly:
WARN 🚨 Unable to index ./src/lib/common/stories/_Introduction.stories.mdx:
WARN   BrowserslistError: Unknown version 118 of chrome
WARN     at (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:65202:21)
WARN     at .\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:64471:33
WARN     at Array.reduce (<anonymous>)
WARN     at resolve (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:64464:39)
WARN     at browserslist (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:64552:25)
WARN     at resolveTargets (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:68332:24)
WARN     at resolveTargetsCached (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:68345:18)
WARN     at getTargets (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:68382:31)
WARN     at resolveTargets (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:68469:54)
WARN     at loadPrivatePartialConfig (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:70138:53)
WARN     at (<anonymous>)
WARN     at loadFullConfig (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:70255:50)
WARN     at (<anonymous>)
WARN     at transform2 (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:79639:49)
WARN     at (<anonymous>)
WARN     at step (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:61356:44)
WARN     at evaluateAsync (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:61377:9)
WARN     at .\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:61190:13
WARN     at new Promise (<anonymous>)
WARN     at async (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:61189:18)
WARN     at stopHiding - secret - don't use this - v1 (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:61999:16)
WARN     at transformAsync2 (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:79666:81)
WARN     at transformJSXAsync (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:102178:65)
WARN     at compile2 (.\node_modules\@storybook\mdx2-csf\dist\index.js:102308:10)
WARN     at async Object.createIndex (.\node_modules\@storybook\addon-docs\dist\preset.js:40:1004)
WARN     at async StoryIndexGenerator.extractStories (.\node_modules\@storybook\core-server\dist\index.js:55:316)
WARN     at async .\node_modules\@storybook\core-server\dist\index.js:54:2020
WARN     at async Promise.all (index 0)
WARN     at async Promise.all (index 0)
WARN     at async StoryIndexGenerator.updateExtracted (.\node_modules\@storybook\core-server\dist\index.js:54:1653)
WARN     at async StoryIndexGenerator.ensureExtracted (.\node_modules\@storybook\core-server\dist\index.js:54:2474)
WARN     at async StoryIndexGenerator.initialize (.\node_modules\@storybook\core-server\dist\index.js:54:1580)

I believe the first error explains what the problem is. The caniuse-lite package that is (indirectly) referenced by this package is out of date and requires updating. Because Storybook precompiles all of these files together, it's not possible to override caniuse-lite's version using the resolutions directive in package.json anymore since v7.

I believe the packages that need to be upgraded are:

  • core-js-compat
  • webpack

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Setup a new Storybook project (v7.5.3). Ensure @storybook/addon-docs has been installed.
  2. Set "browserslist": ["chrome 118"] in package.json.
  3. Add a new MDX file, and load that from Storybook.

Expected behavior
These error messages should not be reported.


Additional context

An alternative and long term solution would be to setup Storybook to not precompile and bundle caniuse-lite into the NPM package. This way, developers can upgrade this package separately from all other dependencies using the resolutions directive in package.json.