storkvist / anyway_config

Ruby libraries and applications configuration on steroids!

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Anyway Config

NOTE: this readme shows doc for the upcoming 2.0 version (2.0.0.pre is available on RubyGems). For version 1.x see 1-4-stable branch.

Rails/Ruby plugin/application configuration tool which allows you to load parameters from different sources: YAML, Rails secrets/credentials, environment.

Allows you to easily follow the twelve-factor application principles and adds zero complexity to your development process.

Libraries using Anyway Config:


Adding to a gem:

# my-cool-gem.gemspec do |spec|
  # ...
  spec.add_dependency "anyway_config", "2.0.0.pre"
  # ...

Or adding to your project:

# Gemfile
gem "anyway_config", "2.0.0.pre"

Supported Ruby versions

  • Ruby (MRI) >= 2.5.0

  • JRuby >= 9.2.7


Pre-defined configuration

Create configuration class:

require "anyway"

module MyCoolGem
  class Config < Anyway::Config
    attr_config user: "root", password: "root", host: "localhost"

attr_config creates accessors and default values. If you don't need default values just write:

attr_config :user, :password, host: "localhost", options: {}

Then create an instance of the config class and use it:

module MyCoolGem
  def self.config
    @config ||=

MyCoolGem.config.user #=> "root"

Config name

Anyway Config relies on the notion of config name to populate data.

By default, Anyway Config uses the config class name to infer the config name using the following rules:

  • if the class name has a form of <Module>::Config then use the module name (SomeModule::Config => "somemodule")
  • if the class name has a form of <Something>Config then use the class name prefix (SomeConfig => "some")

NOTE: in both cases the config name is a downcased module/class prefix, not underscored.

You can also specify the config name explicitly (it's required in cases when you class name doesn't match any of the patterns above):

module MyCoolGem
  class Config < Anyway::Config
    config_name :cool
    attr_config user: "root", password: "root", host: "localhost", options: {}

Customize env variable names prefix

By default, Anyway Config uses upper-cased config name as a prefix for env variable names (e.g. config_name :my_app will result to parsing MY_APP_ prefix).

You can set env prefix explicitly:

module MyCoolGem
  class Config < Anyway::Config
    config_name :cool_gem
    env_prefix :really_cool # now variables, starting wih `REALLY_COOL_`, will be parsed
    attr_config user: "root", password: "root", host: "localhost", options: {}

Provide explicit values

Sometimes it's useful to set some parameters explicitly during config initialization. You can do that by passing a Hash into .new method:

config =
  user: "john",
  password: "rubyisnotdead"

# The value would not be overriden from other sources (such as YML file, env)
config.user == "john"

Dynamic configuration

You can also create configuration objects without pre-defined schema (just like Rails.application.config_for but more powerful):

# load data from config/my_app.yml, secrets.my_app (if using Rails), ENV["MY_APP_*"]
config = Anyway::Config.for(:my_app)
config["value"] #=> 42

# you can specify the config file path or env prefix
config = Anyway::Config.for(:my_app, config_path: "my_config.yml", env_prefix: "MYAPP")

Using with Rails

NOTE: version 2.x supports Rails >= 5.0; for Rails 4.x use version 1.x of the gem.

Your config will be filled up with values from the following sources (ordered by priority from low to high):

  • RAILS_ROOT/config/my_cool_gem.yml (for the current RAILS_ENV, supports ERB):
  host: localhost
  port: 3002

  host: localhost
  port: 3000

NOTE: you can override the default YML lookup path by setting MYCOOLGEM_CONF env variable.

  • Rails.application.secrets.my_cool_gem (if secrets.yml present):
# config/secrets.yml
    port: 4444
  • Rails.application.credentials (if supported):

NOTE: You can backport Rails 6 per-environment credentials to Rails 5.2 app using this patch.



You can store application-level config classes in app/configs folder.

Anyway Config automatically adds this folder to Rails autoloading system to make it possible to autoload configs even during the configuration phase.

Consider an example: setting the Action Mailer host name for Heroku review apps.

We have the following config to fetch the Heroku provided metadata:

# This data is provided by Heroku Dyno Metadadata add-on.
class HerokuConfig < Anyway::Config
  attr_config :app_id, :app_name,
    :dyno_id, :release_version,

  def hostname

Then in config/application.rb you can do the following:

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = {host:}

Using with Ruby

When you're using Anyway Config in non-Rails environment, we're looking for a YAML config file at ./config/<config-name>.yml.

You can override this setting through special environment variable – 'MYCOOLGEM_CONF' – containing the path to the YAML file.

NOTE: in pure Ruby apps we have no knowledge of environments (test, development, production, etc.); thus we assume that the YAML contains values for a single environment:

host: localhost
port: 3000

Environmental variables work the same way as with Rails.

Local files

It's useful to have personal, user-specific configuration in development, which extends the project-wide one.

We support this by looking at local files when loading the configuration data:

  • <config_name>.local.yml files (next to* the global <config_name>.yml)
  • config/credentials/local.yml.enc (for Rails >= 6, generate it via rails credentials:edit --environment local).

* If the YAML config path is not default (i.e. set via <CONFIG_NAME>_CONF), we lookup the local config at this location, too.

Local configs are meant for using in development and only loaded if Anyway::Settings.use_local_files is true (which is true by default if RACK_ENV or RAILS_ENV env variable is equal to "development").

NOTE: in Rails apps you can use Rails.application.configuration.anyway_config.use_local_files.

Don't forget to add *.local.yml (and config/credentials/local.*) to your .gitignore.

NOTE: local YAML configs for Rails app must be environment-free (i.e. you shouldn't have top-level development: key).

Reload configuration

There are #clear and #reload methods which do exactly what they state.

Note: #reload also accepts overrides key to provide explicit values (see above).

OptionParser integration

It's possible to use config as option parser (e.g. for CLI apps/libraries). It uses optparse under the hood.

Example usage:

class MyConfig < Anyway::Config
  attr_config :host, :log_level, :concurrency, :debug, server_args: {}

  # specify which options shouldn't be handled by option parser
  ignore_options :server_args

  # provide description for options
    concurrency: "number of threads to use"

  # mark some options as flag
  flag_options :debug

  # extend an option parser object (i.e. add banner or version/help handlers)
  extend_options do |parser, config|
    parser.banner = "mycli [options]"

    parser.on("--server-args VALUE") do |value|
      config.server_args = JSON.parse(value)

    parser.on_tail "-h", "--help" do
      puts parser

config =

config.parse_options!(%w[--host localhost --port 3333 --log-level debug]) # => "localhost"
config.port # => 3333
config.log_level # => "debug"

# Get the instance of OptionParser

Rails.application.config_for vs Anyway::Config.for

Rails 4.2 introduced new feature: Rails.application.config_for. It looks very similar to Anyway::Config.for, but there are some differences:

Feature Rails Anyway Config
load data from config/app.yml yes yes
load data from secrets no yes
load data from credentials no yes
load data from environment no yes
local config files no yes
return Hash with indifferent access no yes
support ERB within config/app.yml yes yes*
raise errors if file doesn't exist yes no

*make sure that ERB is loaded

But the main advantage of Anyway::Config is that it can be used without Rails!)

How to set env vars

Environmental variables for your config should start with your config name, upper-cased.

For example, if your config name is "mycoolgem" then the env var "MYCOOLGEM_PASSWORD" is used as config.password.

Environment variables are automatically serialized:

  • "True", "t" and "yes" to true;
  • "False", "f" and "no" to false;
  • "nil" and "null" to nil (do you really need it?);
  • "123" to 123 and "3.14" to 3.14.

Anyway Config supports nested (hashed) env variables. Just separate keys with double-underscore.

For example, "MYCOOLGEM_OPTIONS__VERBOSE" is parsed as config.options["verbose"].

Array values are also supported:

# Suppose ENV["MYCOOLGEM_IDS"] = '1,2,3'
config.ids #=> [1,2,3]

If you want to provide a text-like env variable which contains commas then wrap it into quotes:

MYCOOLGEM = "Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Nouf-Nouf"

Test helpers

We provide the with_env test helper to test code in the context of the specified environment variables values:

describe HerokuConfig, type: :config do
  subject { }

  specify do
    # Ensure that the env vars are set to the specified
    # values within the block and reset to the previous values
    # outside of it.
      "HEROKU_APP_NAME" => "kin-web-staging",
      "HEROKU_APP_ID" => "abc123",
      "HEROKU_DYNO_ID" => "ddyy",
      "HEROKU_SLUG_COMMIT" => "3e4d5a"
    ) do have_attributes(
        app_name: "kin-web-staging",
        app_id: "abc123",
        dyno_id: "ddyy",
        release_version: "v0",
        slug_commit: "3e4d5a"

If you want to delete the env var, pass nil as the value.

This helper is automatically included to RSpec if RAILS_ENV or RACK_ENV env variable is equal to "test". It's only available for the example with the tag type: :config or with the path spec/configs/....

You can add it manually by requiring "anyway/testing/helpers" and including the Anyway::Test::Helpers module (into RSpec configuration or Minitest test class).


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Ruby libraries and applications configuration on steroids!

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%