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Storj edge services (including multi-tenant, S3-compatible server to interact with the Storj network)

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Object Lock Error Responses Wrong/Weird

ferristocrat opened this issue · comments

The following object lock related actions returned an "unauthorized" error rather than the appropriate error.

Action Example Request Response Expected response
PutBucketVersioning aws s3api put-bucket-versioning --bucket my-bucket --versioning-configuration Status=Suspended --endpoint-url An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the PutBucketVersioning operation: Access Denied. Not sure, but probably something different than the current response.
DeleteObject (with retention set) aws s3api delete-object --bucket my-bucket --key my-object --version-id 0000000000000001a008c98f1d6afe18 --endpoint-url An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the DeleteObject operation: Access Denied Not sure, but probably something different than the current response.
PutObjectLegalHold aws s3api put-object-legal-hold --bucket my-bucket --key my-object --legal-hold '{ "Status": "ON"}' --endpoint-url An error occurred (InvalidRequest) when calling the PutObjectLegalHold operation: Bucket is missing ObjectLockConfiguration Would expect "not implemented" response

See columns G, H, I for more context:

Additional unmapped or incorrect errors discovered in tests:

  • GetObjectRetention on an object without retention unmapped error: object retention not found: object does not have a retention configuration. Maybe this should be InvalidRequest.
  • PutObject (and possibly PutObjectRetention) with governance mode unmapped error: invalid retention mode 0, expected 1 (compliance)
  • PutObjectRetention on an object with a retain until date in the past produced MalformedXML error instead of InvalidRequest.
  • PutObject when attempting to set lock settings on unversioned bucket produces unmapped error cannot specify Object Lock settings when uploading into a bucket without Versioning enabled

Jeremy mentioned that S3 returns AccessDenied if attempting to delete a locked object, so that one should probably keep the code as-is but provide a more useful message. S3 responds with this:

An error occurred (AccessDenied) when calling the DeleteObject operation: Access Denied because object protected by object lock.

AWS S3 error response research:

GetObjectLockConfiguration on bucket without object lock

S3: HTTP 404: ObjectLockConfigurationNotFoundError: Object Lock configuration does not exist for this bucket

Us: HTTP 400: "InvalidRequest: Bucket is missing Object Lock Configuration"

This is a big difference we should probably fix.

GetObjectRetention on object without any (bucket has object lock configuration)

S3: HTTP 404: "NoSuchObjectLockConfiguration: The specified object does not have a ObjectLock configuration"

Us: HTTP 400: "InvalidRequest: Object is missing retention configuration"

This is a big difference we should probably fix.

GetObjectRetention on object without any (bucket has no object lock configuration)

S3: HTTP 400: "InvalidRequest: Bucket is missing Object Lock Configuration"

Us: HTTP 400: "InvalidRequest: Object is missing retention configuration"

PutObjectLockConfiguration on bucket without versioning enabled

S3: HTTP 409: InvalidBucketState: Versioning must be 'Enabled' on the bucket to apply a Object Lock configuration

US: HTTP 501: Unimplemented

PutObject with retain date in the past

S3: HTTP 400: InvalidArgument: The retain until date must be in the future!

Us: MalformedXML. Might be a minio issue.

PutObject with invalid mode

S3: HTTP 400: InvalidArgument: Unknown wormMode directive.

Us: HTTP 400: InvalidRequest

Might not be worth fixing the code when the status is the same.

PutObject with correct retention settings, versioning not enabled on bucket and no bucket lock configuration:

S3: HTTP 400: InvalidRequest: Bucket is missing ObjectLockConfiguration

Us: HTTP 500: "cannot specify Object Lock settings when uploading into a bucket without Versioning enabled"

This is critical to fix as it's unmapped (defaults to 500) resulting in misleading clients to retry with the same result.

PutObject with correct retention settings, versioning is enabled on bucket and no bucket lock configuration:

S3: HTTP 400: InvalidRequest: Bucket is missing ObjectLockConfiguration

Us: HTTP 500: ""cannot specify Object Lock settings when uploading into a bucket without Object Lock enabled"

This is critical to fix as it's unmapped (defaults to 500) resulting in misleading clients to retry with the same result.

DeleteObject locked version

S3: HTTP 403: AccessDenied: Access Denied because object protected by object lock.

Us: HTTP 403: AccessDenied: Access Denied.

Adjusting the error message might be helpful to users.

PutBucketVersioning suspend bucket with existing object lock configuration

S3: HTTP 409: InvalidBucketState: An Object Lock configuration is present on this bucket, so the versioning state cannot be changed

Us: HTTP 403: AccessDenied: Access Denied:

This is probably worth fixing to make it more descriptive, at least.