storaged-project / blivet-gui

GUI tool for storage configuration using blivet library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Submit to Flathub

Yasumoto opened this issue · comments

Thanks so much for building this out! The LUKS support is phenomenal.

I'm testing out Fedora Silveblue, and the first suggested method to install software is through flatpak. I wanted to open an issue to gauge interest before pitching in a bit with the manifest, then would y'all be interested in submitting to Flathub?

I would love to have blivet-gui as a flatpak, but I'm not sure if that is even possible. When flatpak first appeared, I tried to learn something about it and my conclusion was that it would be really hard to package blivet-gui and maybe even impossible -- it needs root privileges (the GUI itself doesn't run as root, it spawns a new process using polkit) and it has a very long list of indirect dependencies (and if I understand flatpaks correctly, everything needs to be packaged in).
I did some quick google search and found that GNOME Disks is available as a flatpak so it is possible to package a similar application, but the length and complexity of the JSON manifest really scares me and blivet-gui (or blivet, to be more precise) has even more dependencies than GNOME Disks.
I would definitely not be able to spend time on maintaining something like that, I don't even have enough time to work on blivet-gui itself right now and I have a very long list of features I'd like to add that (from my point of view) have higher priority than flatpak. So if you (or someone else) want to work on flatpak support, I'll be happy to merge it, but I unfortunately won't be able to help with it.