storaged-project / blivet-gui

GUI tool for storage configuration using blivet library

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Should display LVM cache pools in Logical View

da2x opened this issue · comments

(I’m aware that bliviet-gui can’t currently create new LVM cache disks, but this is a separate and smaller issue.)

lvdisplay doesn’t list an LV’s cache pool as a separate LV. There is no doubt that there is a cache pool attached when you look at the output of a cached LV in lvmdisplay; it takes twice the screen space as a regular LV. However this information is totally lost when you look at bliviet-gui. However, I believe it would be much clearer if bliviet-gui would list cache pools as separate devices underneat their attached LVs in bliviet-gui’s Logical View for an LVM.