stm32duino / X-NUCLEO-NFC03A1

Arduino library to support NFC card reader expansion board based on ST25R95

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Update library to support ST25R95 card emulation mode

sebastianschuler opened this issue · comments

Will the library be updated to fully support the new ST25R95 card emulation mode?

Hi @sebastianschuler ,
unfortunately, it is not foreseen to add card emulation support on this library. Any contribution of the community to add new features at this library like card emulation is welcome.
Best Regards,

Okay, thanks! Is there a different library from ST that supports card emulation for the ST25R95?

Hi @sebastianschuler ,
maybe you can give a look at STSW-ST95HF001 software that you can download from (link). The card emulation code is mainly in lib_PICC.c file. Take into account that we officially support for this chip only the Card Emulation for ISO14443A, even if in the code you can find the card emulation also for ISO14443B and Felica. STSW-ST95HF001 has also proprietary P2P stuff that should not be ported as well. I hope that it could be useful for you.
Best Regards,

OP is a question and it was answered.
No internal plan to update it.
Any contribution are welcome 😉