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nucleo_h753zi does not output data from a serial port that connected to stlink

asukiaaa opened this issue · comments

I cannot get serial output from nucleo-h753zi via stlink.
(nucleo-h753zi is supported from current latest version 2.7.1.)
Is there any way to resolve this?
I could get output from CDC on other usb serial port.

The code I tried.

#include <Arduino.h>

void setup() {

void loop() {
  Serial3.println("hello from Serial3 at " + String(millis()));
  Serial.println("hello from Serial at " + String(millis()));

With CDC

Without CDC
Screenshot from 2024-03-21 19-33-53

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Ubuntu22.04
  • Arduino IDE version: 1.8.19
  • STM32 core version: 2.7.1
  • Tools menu settings: See attached screen shots.
  • Upload method: Mass Storage

Board (please complete the following information):

  • Name: nucleo-h753zi

Hi @asukiaaa
I've never tested the Nucleo H753, it is a community contribution. I only reviewed variant definition.
It was added thanks #2130 and the author tested it with success.

Will try to get a board but don't know when nor if I can get one.

Did you made some hardware change on your board?
What is the board version ?

Hi @fpistm
Thank you for the response.

I tried with using other nucleo-h753zi board then it was succeeded in printing.
Also, I tried with previous h753zi then it also succeeded.
Maybe had some trouble around serial reading process but it's fine now.

Thank you for the information and sorry for bothering you.

I'm using NUCLEO-Z753ZI$AT1