steveswing / CloudDevelop2016

A repository containing presentation content from CloudDevelop 2016

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

CloudDevelop 2016 CloudDevelop Logo

CloudDevelop 2016 slides, samples, and anything else speakers might wish to share.

Speakers: To add your content, fork this repository, add your stuff, and send us a pull request. Put your files in a folder matching your talk name.

For instance, if your talk was "Cirrostratus Are The Best Clouds", create a folder called "Cirrostratus-Are-The-Best-Clouds". Consider adding a file if you'd like to link to any other content for attendees to look at.

Note: This is provided as a service to the community. CloudDevelop speakers own and license their own content. Thank them :).


A repository containing presentation content from CloudDevelop 2016
