steventroughtonsmith / marzipanify

Convert an iOS Simulator app bundle to an iOSMac (Marzipan) one (Unsupported & undocumented, WIP)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

How to use marzipanify

kashiftriffort opened this issue · comments


I have followed all the steps which you have explained, however I am not sure, how to use this tool with our sample app.

  1. Archive this repo, copy the exec Archive.
  2. Build your iOS app, Copy the .app from Debug-iphonesimulator,
  3. run ./marzipanify


I got -bash: run: command not found
I did instal "xcode command line tools"

I don't know why I got this error !

@X901 are you getting this error when you are doing step 3?

Not sure if you ever got this figured out @X901 but "run" in step 3 is not a command, its @duncandee telling you to "run the script"

You should just type "./marzipanify" into your terminal

  1. Archive this repo, copy the exec Archive.
  2. Build your iOS app, Copy the .app from Debug-iphonesimulator,
  3. run ./marzipanify


@duncandee I tried to follow same step disable security from terminal, however after running script, its showing me error. Below script.

(lldb) target create ""
Current executable set to '' (x86_64).
(lldb) run
error: process exited with status -1 (unable to attach)

I found it helpful to copy the executable binary found in the archive files contents (./marzipanify.xcarchive/Products/usr/local/bin/marzipanify) to the desktop..