Code for 85th place (out of 3514) in Kaggle Otto Production Classification Challenge (private leaderboard).
- Sum of all features for each row
- Variance of all features for each row
- Number of filled features for each row
- Operational features (+, -, *, /) created on top 20 features (does not work all the time)
- Transforming features with mean-standarization (new feature = original feature - column mean)
- XGBoost
- Neural Networks (using Lasagna and H20; only Lasagna model was used for final ensemble)
- randomForest
R 3.1.3
R packages:
- doParallel
- Caret
- xgboost
- party
- glmnet
- dplyr
Python 2.7
Python libraries:
- Lasagna
- numpy
- scipy
- theano