stephenroller / satsolver

A simple SAT solver implemented in Python

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Simple SAT Solver

A simple SAT solver implemented in Python (with some non-SAT abilities).

Example Usage:

$ python 'a'
> p
=   p

> p | q
=   p
=   q, !p

> p & !p

> (p -> q) <=> (!p | q)
=  True


  • false (0)
  • true (1)
  • conjunction (&)
  • disjunction (|)
  • not (!)
  • implication (->)
  • reverse implication (<-)
  • biconditional (<->)

A bicontional formula, a <-> b, is rewritten as (a -> b) & (b -> a).

Special connectors

These operators have no place in any SAT solver, but here they are anyway:

  • equivalence (A <=> B) - Returns true if and only if A <-> B is a tautology.
  • CIRC p1, p2, ... [ F ] - The circumscription operator, which finds minimal models.
  • SM p1, p2, ... [ F ] - The stable models operator, which finds stable models.
  • (p1, p2, ...) <= (q1, q2, ...) - Shorthand for (p1 -> q1) & (p2 -> q2) & ...
  • (p1, p2, ...) < (q1, q2, ...) - Shorthand for ((p1, ...) <= (q1, ...)) & !((q1, ...) <= (p1, ...))
  • 3 z ( F ) - The existential quantifier as in quantified boolean formulas


The implementation of this SAT solver is a very naïve implementation of the DPLL algorithm.

The <=>, CIRC and SM operators are written by rewriting the equations using their definitions.


This program is horribly inefficient. Do not use it.

Other Examples shows how predicate logic can be simply used to describe a two-coloring of a graph.


A simple SAT solver implemented in Python


Language:Python 100.0%