stephenlb / webrtc-sdk

WebRTC Simple Calling API + Mobile SDK - A simplified approach to RTCPeerConnection for mobile and web video calling apps.

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Native android java example

28development opened this issue · comments


This repository works great so far. In my case we need to create this video call from a webbrowser to a native android app. I could not find a proper native android example for this case.
Could you tell me if there is one?

Best regards.

According to the documentation "The PubNub Android WebRTC Signaling API is fully compatible with the PubNub JavaScript WebRTC SDK. This means that browser to mobile communication is simple!"

Here is the project


I set up the android application but I am not able to find to suitable webapplication source code/repository.

Best regards

@28development You mean the Web SDK version of this? If so, check out this

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