stephancasas / onfmready.js

A developer utility for working with the FileMaker web viewer JavaScript object in FileMaker Pro/WebDirect.

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Possible issue with promises

Andreas-T opened this issue · comments

Thanks for this function.

Not entirely sure what's going on, as this function generally works, but I had an issue with promises today where I get an Unhandled Promise Rejection, even though I can see that the FileMaker object has been instantiated prior to the call. All promises has been resolved prior to calling the function, except the final Promise.allSettled where the call to FileMaker.PerformScript is perfomed in the .then.

Unhandled Promise Rejection: TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'FileMaker. PerformScript')

Could be something you'd want to look into.

I ended up using the fileMakerCall function from SeedCode as it was the only thing I could get to work.

Is it a typo problem? There is a rogue space after the dot in the name you quote.

Thanks for looking into it. Well spotted, yes that's probably the culprit. I wont be able to verify it unfortunately, but that rogue space would trigger an error.