stencil-community / stencil-router

A simple router for Stencil apps and sites

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Indicate currently active on stencil-route-link (aria-current?)

MrAntix opened this issue · comments


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Current behavior:
The markup is currently rendered so that the link-active class is placed on an anchor inside of the component wrapper

    <a class="link-active" href="/">Home</a>
    <a href="/clients">Clients</a>

This makes group styling harder because we cannot target stencil-route-link

Expected behavior:
The ability to target the outer element would make it much easier to style tabs for example

aria-current may suit

export class RouteLink {
  @Prop() ariaCurrentType?: ariaCurrentTypes;
  @Prop({ mutable: true, reflectToAttr: true })
  ariaCurrent?: ariaCurrentTypes;

  componentWillUpdate() {
    this.ariaCurrent = this.match && this.ariaCurrentType;

type ariaCurrentTypes =
  | 'page'
  | 'step'
  | 'location'
  | 'date'
  | 'time'
  | true;

ps. I'd have submitted a PR, but can't figure out how to build the current code :D