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aspect_hook in Swift 3.0

WuKongCoo1 opened this issue · comments

First at all, I am a chineses, my english is terrible. I hope you can unstand what I mean.
I want to hook at postionAfter, but I can't find the option. The source file look like below:
public struct AspectOptions : OptionSet {

public init(rawValue: UInt)

/// Called after the original implementation (default)
public static var positionInstead: AspectOptions { get } /// Will replace the original implementation.

/// Will replace the original implementation.
public static var positionBefore: AspectOptions { get } /// Called before the original implementation.

/// Called before the original implementation.
public static var optionAutomaticRemoval: AspectOptions { get } /// Will remove the hook after the first execution.


AspectOptions(rawValue: 0) == postionAfter

Here is my code :
let wrappedBlock:@convention(block) (AspectInfo)-> Void = { aspectInfo in
print("view did load")
let wrappedObject: AnyObject = unsafeBitCast(wrappedBlock, to: AnyObject.self)

    do {
        let option = AspectOptions.init(rawValue: 0)
        try UIViewController.aspect_hook(#selector(SuperViewController.viewDidLoad), with: option, usingBlock: wrappedObject)

But this does not have the effect I want. This block aways perform before SuperViewController.viewDidLoad




The default is positionAfter, so you should no need to specify any options, just pass [] like this:

try UIViewController.aspect_hook(#selector(SuperViewController.viewDidLoad), with: [], usingBlock: wrappedObject)