steinitzu / celery-singleton

Seamlessly prevent duplicate executions of celery tasks

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Ability to chain tasks

Suor opened this issue · comments

I tried with many task dedupe libs including yours and this doesn't work:

( | task2.s(1)).delay()
( | task2.s(2)).delay()

I want task1(42) to be deduped and then both task2(1) and task2(2) be ran after it finished. Is this possible?

Why doesn't this work?
I have no idea how chaining works in celery internally, so not sure what is needed here.

I'm open to PR if you're interested in implementing this.

As far as I understand, you send a message to broker to perform first task and chain info is inside. The worker handles that. But if you don't send a message then the chain is simply lost.

So we would need some way to add tasks to this existing chain?
Is that even doable without being riddled with race conditions?

I don't think you can edit chains and other callbacks of existing messages generally and if message was read by the worker then it's probably too late anyway.

We can however save chain info to Redis when read it when task is done and send a new message

I'm checking this bug and seem to be a problem with delivery the task (only one time and then "disappear"), so the second task never is ready... for example:

import time
from celery_singleton import Singleton
from somewhere import celery_app

def do_stuff(*args, **kwargs):
	return 'I just woke up'

# run 3 times
async_result = ( |  do_stuff.s(2)).delay()
async_result2 = ( |  do_stuff.s(3)).delay()

# sleep  3 times 

assert async_result.ready() # ok
assert async_result2.ready() # fail

'I just woke up' is only printed 2 times... must be 3...

I have similar problem even without chaining - if I run the task.get() method in two simultaneous Flask requests, only one request gets finished. The other is waiting infinitly.

I think, that it might be enough to send the right message from Singleton.on_duplicate, which could even get the chain property to be passed from apply_async, but I gave up, because I was not able to find the right message to be sent.