stefanwichmann / kelvin

Kelvin - The hue bot

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Lights flicker every time Kelvin checks temperature

zack-sampson opened this issue · comments

I'm noticing some odd behavior where lights managed by Kelvin will flicker every fifteen seconds or so, in step with Kelvin checking and resetting the temperature. I even took a video, with the logs open, and the timing lines up exactly. Is this a known issue, or is it worth me debugging my setup?

That sounds really weird, especially the timing of "every fifteen seconds". Kelvin will query your lights roughly every second and calculate new target states (like a new color temperature) every minute. So any info you can provide to debug this would be helpful...

Sure ! I'll link the video later today. I'm not that familiar with Hue -- what info could I gather that would help?