stefanwichmann / kelvin

Kelvin - The hue bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Build version for routers / OpenWrt

PetrVys opened this issue · comments


Kelvin successfully runs on OpenWrt (and other linux based routers) since Go compiles to static binaries, but it is not currently compiled for most used router architectures. Binary size is a potential issue, but there are a lot of routers that can host 12MB binary easily (e.g. with the binary on USB).

Please add release binaries for routers:
arm64 - recent powerful routers, newer Raspbery PIs - build with parameters: GOARCH=arm64 GOOS=linux
mips softfloat - older but still sold Atheros or Broadcom routers (AR71xx, BCM41xx etc.) - build with parameters: GOOS=linux GOARCH=mips GOMIPS=softfloat

Additionally, routers do not have systemd, so add instructions in - add to /etc/rc.local:
cd /opt/kelvin
./kelvin &

Added to the build script, will be part of the next release